Excludes an element of a Config from synchronization.
A NonSync element won't be synced back and forth between server and client, and WithPerms and ClientModifiable won't have any affect. This is primarily useful for values that are client-specific: The color of something, the position of a GUI element. Things you don't want the server to overwrite every time the player joins, rather their local config that is loaded on launch takes precedent in those cases.
NonSync elements will automatically act like ClientModifiable, as they won't be synced anyway.
See the Wiki for more details and examples.
Order of precedence:
ClientModifiable (Annotating config class itself)
ClientModifiable (specific setting annotation)
WithCustomPerms (specific setting annotation)
WithPerms (specific setting annotation)
WithCustomPerms (Annotating config class itself)
WithPerms (Annotating config class itself)