Enum Translatable
SubInterface of Translatable for use with Enums
If a non-Enum extends this, the game will crash
The default translationKey will be in the form "<prefix>.CONSTANT"
. Example: TestEnum.TEST
The default descriptionKey will be in the form "<prefix>.CONSTANT.desc"
. Example: TestEnum.TEST.desc
The default prefixKey will be in the form "<prefix>.CONSTANT.prefix"
. Example: TestEnum.TEST.prefix
The translated Text description from the descriptionKey. Falls back to an empty string so no tooltip is rendered.
Override of descriptionKey that utilized the prefix and enum constant name
Whether this Translatable has a valid description
Whether this Translatable has a valid translation
Override of descriptionKey that utilized the prefix and enum constant name
Override of translation that falls back to the enum constant name. Example "TEST"
Override of translationKey that utilized the prefix and enum constant name