
Representation of a keybind in Fzzy Config, based on ContextType handling with the Relevant interface. These keybinds are not "linked" into anything by default, handling of the context input has be handled by you as introduced on the wiki https://moddedmc.wiki/en/project/fzzy-config/docs/features/Context-Actions







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class Builder

Builds a FzzyKeybind from 0 or more individual keybind inputs. If 0 inputs are provided, an unbound keybind will be supplied. Multiple inputs are evaluated as "OR" arguments. Any 1 input can pass for the keybind to pass.


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abstract fun clone(): FzzyKeybind

Copies the current keybind object where possible.

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Creates a compound keybind (multiple-choice) with other. If this compound is already compound, the new addition will be added as a further choice.

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Keybinds contained within this keybind.

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abstract fun keybind(): MutableText

Creates a Text representation of the current keybind

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abstract override fun relevant(inputCode: Int, ctrl: Boolean, shift: Boolean, alt: Boolean): Boolean

Override from Relevant. Determines if an input is relevant for the handler or not.